Janine Rouson
3 min readJan 10, 2021

Kamala Harris, at the Democratic National Convention, upon accepting the VP nomination

It’s time to get serious and re-position everything. There’s a stirring debate & controversy going on regarding Vogue’s February cover for Madame VP Kamala Harris. They may get around to straightening that out. I have another point that is somewhat related to the Vogue cover, not whether it’s the blue suit or the black suit. Or even which cover she approved or how Anna Wintour handles the controversy. Rather, that starting January 20, 2021 this is the Vice President of the United States of America. Without intending any disrespect, please hear me when I say this is the VP, not FLOTUS or a Senator or a Congresswoman or any other office.

Kamala Harris is going to be second in command, period.

So, I am thinking way beyond the cover of Vogue or any magazine cover. VP Harris must be taken as serious as a POTUS. God willing, it won’t have to come to this but understand that she is in position to step in at a nanosecond’s notice to command and direct, execute and negotiate, decide and take action. No one, absolute no one needs to scrutinize whether she’s wearing a pantsuit or a dress, whether it’s pink or black or blue or red. This country, all aspects of this country — whether they voted for her or not — will be governed by her. We don’t want anyone to have license to treat her disrespectfully or not take her seriously. The world needs to view her as a governing leader.

She isn’t a First Lady — and I intend no disrespect to any First Lady (current, former or future). Her role is not ceremonial. She will cast votes in the Senate and lead commissions and programs for the country that will establish policy.

I urge us all to begin this milestone, record-breaking, historical glass-breaking moment of the first woman Vice President for what it is and what it can be. Don’t treat it simply as a magazine fashion cover where we should look at her attire. Don’t judge what she wears or how her hair is styled. Don’t fall into the trap that chauvinism has set for women leaders.

Kamala Harris is a serious, intelligent, competent, prepared and very capable leader and now Vice President. We must step up as she is stepping up.

Set the tone now, begin with yourself, catch yourself when you think want to fall back to that unnecessary commentary that wouldn’t be applied to a man. We can’t afford to screw this up. Not only does Madam VP Kamala Harris’ success depend on it but every potential woman who will ever attempt to come after her. And, she told us that she intended for more to come after her. Hold the door open …

Janine Rouson
Janine Rouson

Written by Janine Rouson

being having a human experience; loving, living, laughing and giving so that we can all love, live and laugh and give to see the one we already are

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